in der letzten Woche enstand auf der Buchenau LAN mehrfach der Wunsch nach einem gemeinsamen, staffelübergreifenden Flug. Diese Joint Operations hatten eigentlich in der Vergangenheit "Tradition", sind aber leider auf Grund verschiedenster Gründe nach und nach eingeschlafen.
Da das Interesse doch sehr groß war, habe ich mit der Staffelleitung des 1st VFW gesprochen und die Möglichkeit wiedereröffnet, wöchentlich einen gemeinsamen Flug zu veranstalten. Zunächst können sich bis zu 6 Mitglieder der 1st Glory Wings. 47th Dragonfighters und 49th Black Diamonds hierfür "anmelden". Wenn es gut funktioniert und mehr Bedarf vorhanden ist, werden weitere Slots eröffnet und geplant.
Wann finden die Flüge statt?
Jeden Mittwoch ab 19:00 Uhr
Was sind die Voraussetzungen?
- Spaß mit anderen Staffeln zu fliegen
- Englisch A2
- Bandbreite: min. 1024
- Aktuelles ITO Theater
- Luftbetankung innerhalb von 90 Sekunden ab "Cleared to Contact"
- Teilnahme an einem Orientierungsflug
Der erste Testflug findet am kommenden Montag ab 20:15 Uhr statt. Dieser soll dazu dienen, sich gegenseitig kennenzulernen, die Verbindungen zu testen und die weitere Flugabsprache vorzunehmen.
Ihr könnt euch hier in der ATO eintragen.
Das Passwort lautet: F4FFW
Wir treffen uns auf dem Teamspeak-Server des 1st VFW: ts.firstfighterwing.com.
Das Passwort hierzu lautet: hjZDW976M3K4Pmj
Callsign-Beispiel: Cupra [1st Glory Wings]
Bei Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.
Viele Grüße
Hier jetzt die Übersicht zur aktuellen Campaign:
A coup has put an extreme right-wing party in the Egyptian government. They have since denounced the peace treaties signed in the past with Israel and have been threatening military action. Several minor incidents have taken place in the previous months. NATO has declared that it would not stand by if Israel's sovereignty is violated, nor that it would tolerate another source of instability in the region, vowing to stand by Israel's side if an attack does take place. The IDF has been on high alert for the past two weeks. A build up of NATO aircraft has taken place with F-16s and several support aircraft arriving at Akrotiri and the Carl Vinson deploying to the Mediterranean several F-18s. The IAF has deployed one squadron to Akrotiri to accompany NATO aircraft as they attack from the north. More combat aircraft are expected to arrive in the coming days.
Egypt didn't take the NATO warning seriously and has decided to attack Israel's southern border, striking out of the Sinai peninsula. Syria has remained on the sidelines of this conflict for now, mostly due to the recent civil war and the emergence of Daesh, however it's believed that Egypt is counting on the territorial dispute between Syria and Israel on the Golan Heights to open a second front on Israel's north border, much like in the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Jordan and Saudi Arabia have stated that they wouldn't get involved in this conflict.
NATO's role is to assist Israeli forces in this conflict against Egypt and hopefully its presence will also serve has dissuasion, keeping Syria out of the war. While Israeli aircraft are mainly focused on the front lines and striking targets at the Sinai Peninsula, NATO aircraft fly from the north and attempt to cripple Egyptian airbases, air defenses, C&C centers and military infrastructure.
Enemy threats analysis
Egyptian Air Force Combat Aircraft:
- Rafale EM - The EAF operates 16 of these aircraft,
currently stationed at Cairo West AB. Armed with MICA EM/IR A2A French
missiles, they pose a major threat in the air. Also capable of carrying a
TGP and a vast array of A2G munitions.
- MIG-29S - The most recent purchase of the EAF, there
are 2 squadrons deployed at Baluza and As Salihiya bases. They can carry
the latest Russian built A2A missiles such as the AA-11 Archer (R-73)
and the AA-12 Adder (R-77). While incapable of using a TGP they can
still deliver a number of different types of bombs. Along with the
Rafale EM they should also be considered a primary air threat.
- F-16 - The EAF possesses a large number of F-16s,
spread out along several bases, with different variants and
capabilities. However Egypt doesn't have any AIM-120s in their arsenal,
leaving their F-16s limited to the AIM-7 Sparrow for BVR engagements, so
NATO and IAF aircraft should out-range them on this arena. Also Blue IR
missiles should be superior to what the EAF has in inventory, as they
only have AIM-9M and AIM-9P.
- M-2000 EM - With comparably limited capabilities both
A2A and A2G, this aging version of the Mirage 2000 carries previous
generation French weapons. However in an WVR fight they can be a match
to the F-16.
- MIG-21 - Egypt operates a large quantity of these
aircraft. However, against enemy aircraft the only missile available to
them is the AIM-9P.
Egyptian Air Defense Forces:
The Egyptian Air Defense Forces are equipped with a mix of Western and Russian built equipment. The most dangerous SAMs they possess are the Patriot ADS, the SA-10 and SA-17. Other threats are the I-Hawk, the SA-6, SA-3 and SA-2. Against low-flying aircraft the EADF uses a variety of systems such as the Stinger, Igla and Strela , Skyguard and several types of guns. It also has several high altitude AAA guns.
Egyptian Navy:
The Egyptian Navy operates two FFG-7 Perry Frigates and 4 Osa II Corvettes. While limited in their air defense capabilities; as only the Perrys can employ Sea Sparrows which cannot go above 18,000 ft; all of the enemy's ships are armed with anti-ship missiles, and might try to overwhelm the defenses Carl Vinson's group and other friendly ships operating in the area.
Egyptian Army:
Like the rest of the Egyptian Armed Forces, the Army has a variety of new and older equipment, both Western and Eastern. Their main battle tank is the M1A1 Abrams, but they also operate the T-55. Lighter vehicles include the M2A2 Bradley, several different BTR models, M113s, etc. Their artillery is also a mix of equipment from different origins.