im nächsten Jahr wird es leider kein LLTM geben.
Es liegt hauptsächlich daran das es keine Location gibt die die entsprechenden Voraussetzungen erfüllt.
Original von Ice von der LLTM Webseite:
ZitatAlles anzeigenHi all,
With 5 months to go I need to get the message send …… LLTM2012 is cancelled.
A few reason are cause of this decision. The two main reasons are that we do not have a suitable location and personal matters.
I have struggled with this decision a few months. I had the idea just before LLTM2011 to stop for a year if no suitable location would emerge from my initial efforts in finding a suitable location while preparing for LLTM2011. And so happened. I could not find a suitable location even after more searching before I headed out for the summer holidays. But canceling LLTM2012 still did not became an obvious scenario. I still could not come at ease with the idea.
I again did some efforts in getting a new location after the summer, but to no avail. There was always some basic needs missing from the equation. Enough power to run 100 PC’s but no lunch possibility combined with early closing times. Or sleeping possibilities but to expensive on rent for other needed basics. And then a few.
I also have to cope with work related matters which will keep me busy until February 2012.
So now I really had to make the obvious choice. Cancel LLTM2012.
If you have comments, suggestions, questions on this, please put them forward in the LLTM forum which is up and running again.
I hope your understanding softens the disappointment.
I still have a hard time with it even after writing this down. I am not at ease at all.
Wenn jemand eine Idee für eine Location hat, dann her damit !!