ZitatAlles anzeigen* The platform for this project will be Open Falcon (because that’s the version I like the most at this moment) but it will be compatible with FreeFalcon.
* My work is divided in main and secondary milestones. The main one will be the creation from scratch of all the required tiles. The secondary ones and their goal will be announced after the main milestone is completed.
* The H tiles will be created at high-resolution (2048 x 2048) and then scaled to a size that Open Falcon can handle. Most likely I will offer two versions, 1024 x 1024 for good PCs and 512 x 512 for less recent systems. I work on the original PSD files at 2048 x 2048 because I want to to reuse this work in the future if a new release of Falcon will come out and will support higher texture sizes.
* M tiles and L tiles will also be included and resized to the best dimension that will be possible without creating memory problems or artifacts (like shimmering or flickering).
* FarTiles will be regenerated to match the new textures and will also be provided in the final package.
* All the textures of the main milestone will use DDS DXT1 format.
* Falcon 4 Allied Force will not be supported because of its technical limitations.
* For the first release only the Korean theatre will be supported with one default season. Other following releases may include different seasons.
* The priority is quality and not release date.
* I work alone and I am not looking for collaborators. It’s just the way I prefer to work. Keeps the quality level constant and the visual style homogeneous.
* I initially wanted to release F.L.A.R.E. as freeware but because of the amount of hours it requires I will have to ask for some returns. But the price will be very affordable.