ZitatAlles anzeigenNews Update: August 21st, 2005
Today we're pleased to announce our Third Party Add-On Agreement. The ability for community developers to include their work in Falcon 4.0: Allied Force is something which has been near the top of the requests list. Certain modifications, within a defined and fixed framework, gives a legal outlet for some of the extraordinary work out there. We have produced a formal, legally binding document which sets out the details and conditions which apply.
Allowed modifications are:
Models and Model Textures
Terrain Textures
Tactical Engagements / Training Missions
Squadron Patches / Pilot Pictures
User created content originating from and created by the FalconAF executable
If approved, they'll be distributed via the autoupdater. We hope everyone understands that a centralized and organized system of modifications is the only way forward. We cannot stress enough that Lead Pursuit remains totally committed to maintaining the highest levels of stability in both single player and multiplayer, and of course maintaining levels of realism too.
People wishing to submit modifications need to download the TPAA form from our downloads section, fill it in appropriately and send it back to us via fax only at +1 512 275 3808.
We're confident this is a great way for community developers to become engaged in the simulation and start to get those creative juices flowing once again. We're also gathering questions on the TPAA to prepare a FAQ so that everyone has access to the questions and answers so they too can participate in this opportunity to make their mark on Falcon 4.0: Allied Force. Please email questions to tpaa@lead-pursuit.com.
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